Edmo Telescopic High Tonnage Jacks

The EDMO telescopic high tonne pneumatic jacks available from 25t to 200t. Manufactured in Australia, these jacks meet the required Australian Standard for Jacks.

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Australian Designed, Engineered & Manufactured

Manufactured in Australia for over 50 years, the Edmo stands are purpose engineered for a range of heavy equipment. With a reputation for uncompromising quality, reliability and a robust design, the adjustable jack stands are available with completely customiseable load caps, extensions, engagements & accessories to suit your specific requirements.

The Edmo 2 stage telescopic hydraulic jacks are powered by an air pump. They are operated from the end of handle, away from the jack operations. The jack is power up and power down. Safety is a feature of the telescopic jacks having a pilot operated lowering control valve which requires the Jack to be pumped down thus providing protection against a free fall and gives complete control over the lowering process.

When jacking, protection is provided against overloading by pressure relief valves. Protection is also provided in the unlikely event of tube or fitting failure in the form of hydraulic fuses, which are activated by excessive flow such as a broken pipe or fitting.

LPDT 55/25

55,000kg / 25,000kg 2 Stage Jack

Working Load Limit – 1st Stage55,000kgs
Working Load Limit – 2nd Stage25,000kgs
Closed height with load cap:250mm
Raised Height – 1st Stage378mm
Raised Height – 2nd Stage490mm
Estimated Weight:140kgs

MPDT 100/50

100,000kg / 50,000kg 2 Stage Jack

Working Load Limit – 1st Stage100,000kgs
Working Load Limit – 2nd Stage50,000kgs
Closed height with load cap:620mm
Raised Height – 1st Stage955mm
Raised Height – 2nd Stage1300mm
Estimated Weight:500kgs

UPDT 100/50

100,000kg / 50,000kg 2 Stage Jack

Working Load Limit – 1st Stage100,000kgs
Working Load Limit – 2nd Stage50,000kgs
Closed height with load cap:300mm
Raised Height – 1st Stage450mm
Raised Height – 2nd Stage595mm
Estimated Weight:300kgs

TPDT 150/75

150,000kg / 75,000kg 2 Stage Jack

Working Load Limit – 1st Stage150,000kgs
Working Load Limit – 2nd Stage75,000kgs
Closed height with load cap:617mm
Raised Height – 1st Stage955mm
Raised Height – 2nd Stage1295mm
Estimated Weight:550kgs

PDT 200/100

200,000kg / 100,000kg 2 Stage Jack

Working Load Limit – 1st Stage200,000kgs
Working Load Limit – 2nd Stage100,000kgs
Closed height with load cap:746mm
Raised Height – 1st Stage1181mm
Raised Height – 2nd Stage1635mm
Estimated Weight:800kgs

Load Caps & Extensions

LPDT 55/25

MPDT 100/50

UPDT 100/50

TPDT 150/75

PDT 200/100

Flat Load CapLC-0062LC-0068LC-0071LC-0065LC-0074
Concave Load CapLC-0061LC-0067LC-0070LC-0064LC-0073
100mm ExtensionEX-0116EX-0131EX-0138EX-0124EX-0145
150mm ExtensionEX-0117EX-0132EX-0139EX-0125EX-0146
200mm ExtensionEX-0118EX-0133EX-0140EX-0126EX-0147
250mm ExtensionEX-0119EX-0134EX-0141EX-0127EX-0148
300mm ExtensionEX-0120EX-0135EX-0142EX-0128EX-0149
350mm ExtensionEX-0121    
400mm ExtensionEX-0122EX-0136EX-0143EX-0129EX-0150
450mm ExtensionEX-0123EX-0137EX-0144EX-0130 
*New jacks supplied with concave load cap



The ‘EDMOTIVATOR’ System powers a drive wheel using the jacks main pump and air supply. This gives the significant advantage of power and reliability over battery powered propulsion systems.

The ‘EDMOTIVATOR’ is operated from the handle of the jack. With the flick of a lever, the jack can be moved forward or back as required by the operator. The operator always retains full control of the motion. The speed is controlled by increasing or decreasing the air-supply via the attached ball valve. A jack with an ‘EDMOTIVATOR’ fitted can also be manoeuvred manually.

Air Line Remote Control

The air-line has the safety advantage of the operator being well clear of the load being jacked. The controls for the raising and lowering of the jack are connected by a 3 core flexible air line that allows the operator to move up to 5 meters away from the Jack and control the up and down functions.

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Edmo Telescopic High Tonnage Jacks

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